Logos & Artwork

Logos   |   Online Ads   |   Social Media Tiles   |   Zoom Background   |   A3 Poster   |   Email Signature

Show Your Support

Be an advocate of #NationalWaterWeek with a social tile or online
banner, or make your event look the part.



National Water Week Logos

Logos are provided in large and small sizes for digital and print and should not be resized. None of the logos or graphics should be distorted by squeezing or stretching them. 

The National Water Week logo should be included on all materials produced for the week. 



National Water Week Logo
1. Large: 1000px x 1000px
2. Medium 300px x 300px
3. eps Vector File

Download Logo



National Water Week Logo - Inversed
1. Large: 1000px x 370px
2. Medium 300px x 111px
3. eps Vector File

Download Logo Inversed

2024 Theme and Artwork

Every year National Water Week focuses on a broad theme allowing all communities with the opportunity to participate.

 We encourage you to use the assets below to promote your involvement and event and show your support of #NationalWaterWeek. 


Online Ads

2024 Online Ads-1

1. Large Leader board (970 x 250px) 
2. Leader board (728 x 90 px) 
3. Wide Skyscraper (160 x 600 px) 
4. Rectangle (600 x 400 px) 
5. Medium Rectangle (300 x 250 px)
Download Online Ads

Social Media Tiles


1. NWW Social Tile
2. NWW Social Tile - with your logo
3. NWW social giff
Download Social Tiles



Zoom Background


Download Zoom Background


A3 Poster

NWW 2024_A3 Poster-2

Download A3 Poster


Email Signature

email banner

Download Email Signature